Caleb 2 months

On Thursday, September 6th, Caleb was 2 months old. Isn’t it funny how in newborn world 2 months flies by! You just can’t believe how big they are already, and it feels like just yesterday you brought that sweet baby home….. and yet, at the same time, you can’t really remember life with out them and it feels as if they have been here forever. So weird.

We went to Caleb’s 2 month well check up. Little man,… you are 11 pounds! And you are 22 and 1/4 inches long. Let me tell you I was grinning ear to ear with pride over that news. You see, at this point, I was way done breastfeeding your two big sisters. So the fact that you and me have made it this far and mommy hasn’t supplemented once is kind of a big deal. (Maybe not to some people but this girl is excited!) You are just as healthy as can be! Glory and Praise to our Lord Jesus. ๐Ÿ™‚

Since you are only 2 months old you don’t do a whole lot. (But what you DO do excites us very much!) You’re a strong fella, holding your head up, still a little wobbly. You coo at us and get very excited when we talk to you. It is so adorable. You smile A LOT. Started doing that around 5 weeks and haven’t stopped. Unless of course to eat….. or cry. Oh you’re uncontrollably grabbing things now, like all of us girls hair! Umm, ouch. Things you love….. You love to swing, (especially now that we bought batteries for it!) and you love your paci but mainly the green soothie kind. You haven’t taken a liking to any of the cute fun pacifiers yet. You love your bath time, especially getting your hair dried after. You love to be rocked, oh how we love our new glider! You pretty much love anything that involves being held. It’s okay, mommy doesn’t mind and neither do your grandmas or Aunt Nicole. Mr. YOU are a GASSY boy. My goodness. And for whatever reason this makes daddy proud, but we will refrain from ever verbally telling you that. At 2 months old, you have already made your first trip to the beach house. And boy did you love napping to the sound of the waves.ย Image

Oh my sweet boy, I can’t believe you are 2 months old!! I always want to hold you and most of the time I do. ๐Ÿ™‚ I know how fast this time will fly and you wont be a baby for long so I’m just gonna hold you till my hearts content. Mommy is so thankful for all of you kiddos. Each one of you is a gift. I really just am so thankful to our Heavenly Father for giving me you three. Three of the greatest gifts ever.

Here you are at 2 months exactly. Such a handsome little guy.


This picture was taken on your big sister Ryann’s birthday. ๐Ÿ™‚

Precious Gifts.